Understanding Gambling Addiction

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Understanding Gambling Addiction - While Gambling may be enjoyable for some, for individuals with a gambling addiction, visiting a casino or placing sports bets online may result in significant personal and financial distress. In this article, we discuss the basics of gambling addiction, including symptoms, causes and treatments as well as ways in which family and friends can support a loved one dealing with this condition.

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Understanding Gambling Addiction

Understanding Gambling Addiction


Understanding Gambling Addiction

Understanding Gambling Addiction – While Gambling may be enjoyable for some, for individuals with a gambling addiction, visiting a casino or placing sports bets online may result in significant personal and financial distress. In this article, we discuss the basics of gambling addiction, including symptoms, causes and treatments as well as ways in which family and friends can support a loved one dealing with this condition.

What Causes Gambling Addiction?

Gambling addiction, or Gambling Disorder (GD), is defined by an uncontrollable urge to engage in gambling activities, despite facing negative consequences or having a desire to stop. It is a recurrent behavioral addiction that may affect an individual’s relationships, finances or professional life. In the U.S. 2 million adults experience severe symptoms of GD.

“Gambling addiction is a complex disorder that can have many different contributing factors,” says Becca Smith, a licensed professional counselor and the chief clinical officer at Basepoint Academy in Dallas. “Ultimately, each person’s experience with gambling addiction is unique and the factors that contribute to it can vary from person to person.”

While there is no known singular cause of gambling addiction, there are several factors that may play a role, says Lin Sternlicht, a licensed mental health counselor, addiction specialist and co-founder of Family Addiction Specialist in New York City. According to Sternlicht, these may include:

  • Frequent exposure to gambling
  • Underlying mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety
  • Substance abuse
  • A predisposition for risk-taking and impulsivity
  • Genetics
  • Changes in brain chemistry

Signs and Symptoms of a Gambling Addiction

To meet the criteria for gambling addiction, individuals must experience at least four of the following in the span of one year, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), a standard text used by mental health providers:

  • A preoccupation with gambling
  • Inability to stop or control gambling behavior
  • Lying about gambling habits
  • Increased thrill-seeking when gambling
  • Harming relationships due to gambling
  • Risking academic or professional prospects because of gambling
  • Often turning to gambling when upset
  • Seeking help from others to solve financial issues caused by gambling
  • Chasing one’s losses, or continuing to gamble after losing money

If you suspect a loved one is grappling with a problem of gambling, keep an eye out for concerning signs, such as:

  • Financial struggles, including multiple loans, unpaid bills and frequent requests to borrow money
  • Financial losses
  • Living without food or everyday essentials
  • Substance abuse
  • Changes in mental health, such as depression or suicidal ideation
  • Withdrawing socially
  • Failing professionally or academically
  • Relationship conflicts

How to Treat Gambling Addiction

“Professional treatment is essential in the recovery process and can help those struggling with gambling addiction gain insight into the underlying causes of their problem and develop healthy coping strategies that can prevent relapse,” explains Smith.

Treatments to address both the gambling addiction and underlying causes may include:

In addition to the treatment programs we offer there are self-help and 12-step programs available, such as Gam-Anon and Gamblers Anonymous, and a National Problem Gambling Hotline to help you find the resources, guidance and support you need.


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